School-based research projects and partnerships
Seymour Park Community Primary School is committed to providing our children with an education that makes a world of difference.
To achieve this aim, we engage in regular school-based research projects to ensure our practise is at the cutting edge. These projects are school-based and carried out in partnership with organisations such as the University of Manchester or the Education Endowment Foundation. Details of current and previous projects can be found below.
In addition, we have a number of staff partnerships with leading academic organisations. Leaders from Seymour Park are Senior Professional Tutors at the University of Manchester and deliver ITE. Our STEM Lead is NCETM Primary Mastery Specialist in the North West.
The school has worked in partnership with our local DfE English Hub since 2022 to develop our early reading curriculum.
Current Projects
Manchester Metroploitan University: Voices of the future Treescapes
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants Development Trust: School Partnership Programme.
Completed projects
- 2021- 2024 Treescapes Voices of the Future
- 2022-2023- The University of Manchester School Research Partnership 'Oracy and Language Development at Seymour Park'
- 2020-2021- Education Endowment Foundation: Early Maths Development (WRM Jigsaw Project)
- 2019- 2020 The University of Manchester in partnership with Trafford Educational Psychology Service ‘Creating Attachment Aware Schools’.
- 2019- 2020 Parental Engagement Network in partnership with Trafford Council and the EEF ‘Mouse Club: boosting achievement through developing basic skills and home learning environments’
- 2020- 2021 NPQML Research project ‘ Developing an effective feedback and marking policy’
- 2020- 2021 NPQML Research project 'To increase the number of children reaching Secure in Maths through the use of same day interventions'
- 2019 The University of Manchester in partnership with TTSA 'Is positive feedback distributed fairly?'
- 2018 The University of Manchester in conjuncture with TTSA ‘How will our changing demographic change the way we teach?’
- 2016 The University of Manchester in conjuncture with TTSA ‘Why are Arabic children overrepresented on our SEND Register?’