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Equality & Accessibility
Seymour Park Community Primary School makes all members of our school community feel welcome and valued irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, faith and sexual identity. We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations within our community. Our values and ethos promote equality and actively tackle discrimination. Here are some of the ways we promote equality at Seymour Park:
- We have an extensive assembly programme which covers all the protected characteristics from a child’s perspective and focuses on children’s rights as we are proud to be a GOLD UNICEF Rights Respecting School. Our assemblies are often led by our children and include guest speakers and visitors from our community.
- Copy-of-Autumn-Term-Assembly.docx-1.pdfSpring-Assembly-Plans-2025.docx-1.pdfSummer-Assembly-Plans-24-25.docx.pdf
- Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and RE (Religious Education) curriculum cover all aspects of equality. The PSHE curriculum is based on the PSHE Association curriculum which is recommended by the Government and Department of Education. We consulted parents in the about some small changes to our PSHE curriculum. These changes were because of new parts of relationship and health education which will become statutory from September 2020. These changes are published here: link to the Arts and Wellbeing curriculum page.
- Our books and teaching resources contain positive representations of the diversity of our school family.
- Children’s rights work throughout our curriculum.
- Pupil action groups such as Pupil Parliament and Digital Leaders.
- Incidental and unplanned events such as conversations begun by the children, responses to current events, books and stories brought from home.
Please do come and see us if you have any questions about equalities at our school.
Our equality and accessibility documents can be found here: