HOW WE USE AND PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION in line with General Data Protection Regulations– including Privacy Notices and Retention Policies
Why does the school keep information about you (parent/carer/guardian) or your child?
The whole school team need to make sure that you and your child receives the best education, care and support we can provide. We gather, store and use personal information to help us to achieve this. Most personal information is used within school to help plan and deliver excellent quality care and education every day.
What personal information about your child is collected?
· Personal details: name, date of birth, address, ethnicity, home language, religion, gender
· GP/Health information
· Accessibility needs
· Medical and Health Care needs
· Dietary information
· Attendance and punctuality at school
· Previous school/pre-school information
· Records about education, health, well-being
· Pupil Attainment and Progress information
· Assessment/test outcomes
· Results of assessments by external agencies, e.g. social services, educational psychologist, speech therapist, school nurse, special needs services, health professionals, Looked After Children/Adoption agencies
· Safeguarding information
· Photographs
What personal information about you (parent/carer/guardian) is collected?
· Personal details: name, address, ethnicity, home language, religion, gender
· Contact details – telephone, email
· Accessibility needs (only where relevant)
· Medical and Health Care needs (only where relevant)
· National Insurance number (for the purpose of checking eligibility for Pupil Premium Funding only)
· Information from external agencies (only where relevant), e.g. social services, health professionals, Looked After Children/Adoption agencies
· Safeguarding information
· Photographs (e.g. at social events, CCTV)
What are we going to do with personal information?
Your information, and your child’s information, is used to make sure that the school teams have accurate and up-to-date information, to inform our provision - enabling us to assess and plan the best care, well-being and educational provision for your child.
We use personal information when we are seeking additional support, specialised support, funding, and care (only with your consent).
How will we keep your information secure and confidential?
All members of the school workforce (staff) have a legal duty to keep information about you and your child confidential (unless in extreme circumstances where your safety, your child’s or somebody else’s safety is compromised).
The school has a code of confidentiality which all staff must adhere to.
We use a range of systems which insist upon encryption, password protection and verification to keep information secure.
The law and your personal information
There are many government policies and Acts of Parliament which require schools to report certain personal information to other organisations. The school will not disclose personal information about you or your child without your permission/consent, unless required by law to do so.
Judicium Consulting are acting as their DPO in order to be transparent with data subjects.
For more information please read the GDPR Policies and Documentation below.
If you have any questions, please ask us.