IMG 3129

Year 2

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

Dr. Seuss


Our key values underpin all we do at Seymour Park; we Respect, Care and Grow. 

Our children follow the nationally agreed curriculum with an emphasis on it being rich, broad, and balanced. Teachers plan lessons to ensure they are well-sequenced and build on prior learning. We want all our children to know more, remember more, and in turn be able to do more. 

The children’s phonic knowledge is developed further in Year 2, following Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Children receive daily phonics 'keep up' where necessary and early reading acquisition is further supported through small group Reading Practise sessions. As children become more confident readers they progress to whole class Guided Reading. We use high quality, challenging texts, putting a focus on vocabulary development, inference and comprehension skills.

Here is a link to the Little Wandle website which has more information and some useful videos.

Mathematics is taught using the White Rose mastery model, where children develop their understanding, fluency and reasoning skills. 

PE is taught twice a week and children should come in wearing their PE kits on these days. PE days are:

Tuesday and Wednesday - 2RA and 2F 

Wednesday and Friday - 2C


In the Summer term children take part in swimming lessons as part of the PE curriculum.

-Weekly spelling tests will take place on a Friday.

-Homework will be uploaded onto the google classroom on a Friday.

-Please read with your child as often as you can and we will change their books once a week. 

-Children should bring their reading books in on Mondays for them to be changed

At the bottom of the page you will find a document with helpful links for supporting your child's learning, across the curriculum, at home.

Year 2 Team

Teachers- Mrs Furness, Mr Richards, Mrs Ainscough and Miss Clews 

Teaching Assistants- Mrs Khan (2C), Mr Channell (2F) and Mrs Yousaf (2RA) 




Page Downloads Date  
Year 2 Long Term Plan 2023 2024 11th Sep 2023 Download
Helpful links for Y2 07th Nov 2023 Download