IMG 3129

Year 4

“Learning is an active process. We learn by doing”

Dale Carnegie


Year 4 is an exciting year for our children because they are becoming familiar with the learning and expectations as junior learners.

During Year 4 we provide opportunities for children to become independent thinkers, learners and decision makers.  They start this school year learning to write in pen, which helps them develop using neat and joined handwriting and showing pride in the presentation of their work.

Since 2020, all Year 4 children in England are required to complete a Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term.  Therefore, the children will be working hard during Year 4 to learn their multiplication tables, playing lots of games, doing activities and lots of practice in class to ensure that they become fluent in this. Please continue to use Times Table Rock Stars at home to support their learning.

The teachers that will be supporting the children this year are Mr Robertshaw, Mrs Hatch, Miss Moore, Mrs Carter, Mrs Husain, Mr Tatham and our teaching assistants are Mrs Warren, Ms Dar and Mr Gray.

PE and homework days are as follows:




Homework and Spellings out

Homework in



 Monday and Thursday

Set on Google Classroom every Friday.

To be completed by the following Friday

Reading books to be read for at least 10 minutes each night.


Tuesday and Thursday

Set on Google Classroom every Friday 

To be completed by the following Friday

Reading books to be read for at least 10 minutes each night.


Tuesday and Thursday

Set on Google Classroom every Friday

To be completed by the following Friday

Reading books to be read for at least 10 minutes each night.

PE topics for the year



Tag Rugby







The topics and activities we will be doing in Year 4 are as follows:


The Ancient Greeks

During this topic, the children will be learning about life in Ancient Greece, locating Greece on a world map, finding out about famous Ancient Greeks, their lifestyles and famous myths and legends connected to this period of world history.


In this topic the children will learn about where in the world volcanoes are found, how a volcano is formed, different types of volcanoes and what happens when a volcano erupts. They will also learn about earthquakes and what to do in the event of an earthquake.

The Roman Empire

Children will learn aspects of how the Roman Empire was founded and key events relating to the Roman invasion of Britain, briefly looking at Britain during Roman times through tribes such as the Celts. They will also learn about life as a Roman, their homes, the way they dressed and what they ate. The highlight of this topic is a visit to the wonderful Dewa Roman Experience in Chester in the summer term. 

Our Local Area: Comparing Mancheter and Athens

In this topic children will be investigating their local area in detail and comparing it with Athens, which we have previuously learnt during our Ancient Greeks topic. To make these comparisons children will be using Google Earth, to find human and physical features of both cities, they will learn about the contrasting poplulations and land use and we will end the topic with a debate answering the question: Where would you rather live, Manchester or Athens?

The Water Cycle

Children will learn about the water cycle, how a river floods, different uses of water and ground water reserves. We will also be going on a trip to Sale Water Park to see all of our learning in action.

Year 4 Helpful learning websites

General - Maths, English activities and games - home learning activities and lessons - Oak Academy - home learning activities and lessons


Maths - access to TTRS for times table practice - MTC practice test


Reading - Oxford Owl - free reading books to read online


Spag - online Grammar games



Fun clips to watch and games to play on BBC Bitesize

Oak Learning Academy has fantastic lessons, with videos and interactive quizzes

Science Bob has lots of fun experiments that can be done at home

Science at Home - with Science Sparks and The Primary Science Teaching Trust

TedED videos about Science and Technology


Geography Ammonite factsheets - What exactly is a dinosaur? 

Learn about the Jurassic coast, with hands on activities, fact sheets and quizzes.

GetOutSide - Geography quizzes, free maps to print and colour in

Mapzone - practise your mapping skills with this fun interactive game



Page Downloads Date  
Whole year Overview Y4 24 25 03rd Sep 2024 Download