Rights Rangers

We are extremely proud to be a GOLD Rights Respecting School. We are the Rights Rangers and our job is to promote children's rights in our school, community and world!

Here our are new Rights Rangers for this academic year (2024-2025)

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Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. Our Rights Respecting work embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.


Projects 2023-2024

As part of the Rights Respecting School Programme, our Rights Rangers have actively engaged in various initiatives and projects, promoting awareness and understanding of children’s rights within our school community. Here are some examples of their work:

Sharing Rights

At the beginning of each year, our newly appointed Rights Rangers make sure that each class has a Class Charter (shared expectations, promoting positive behaviour, created collectively with children and the  class teacher). 

In addition, Rights Rangers distributed posters of rights to all classes to promote children’s rights and ensure that everyone's rights are respected. 

Article 12: I have the right to be listened to and taken seriously.

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Article 1: Everyone under the age of 18 has rights.

Food Bank

Each year, our Rights rangers are responsible for publicising our annual Food Bank Collection. They are also active in the collection and distribution of food. Last year we collected 177.6kg of food - enough for 422 meals!

“Your school was incredibly generous last year and we really appreciate everything you continue to do so we can ensure we make the greatest possible difference to people experiencing hardship in our local communities”. Heidi Exell, Project Manager, Manchester South Central Foodbank

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Article 24: I have the right to healthy food.

Promotion of World Water Day

The Rights Rangers organised an awareness campaign for World Water Day, emphasising the importance of clean water access as a fundamental human right. 

Our Rights Rangers discussed the theme ‘Water for Peace’ and created informative posters to advertise their fundraising event - a day where children were encouraged to dress up in blue or anything related to water. The Rights Rangers shared their knowledge and information regarding the charity work in their year group assemblies. 

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Article 24: I have the right to clean water

Beat the Street

Beat the Street turned Old Trafford and Stretford into a giant game for a week in the Spring (28th February – 27th March 2024)! Our Rights Rangers were involved in the launch day when we were joined by ‘Fred the Red’, Lanky from Lancashire Cricket Club, the Rotary Club, Council leaders and dignitaries (plus the press).

Beat the Street is all part of Trafford Council’s initiative to get people moving more every day. Our school showed our strong support to this campaign.

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Article 31: I have a right to relax and play

School Streets

A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times. Our school closes the street on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays - staffed by volunteers and our Rights Rangers.

In addition, our Rights Rangers discussed the value of School Streets and thought about which rights School Streets upheld.  The children made posters to inform and promote children's rights.

They turned their posters into placards and led a mini demonstration up and down Northumberland road to share the message of School Streets, watched on by visitors from Trafford Council.


“What do we want?

School Streets.

When do we want them?


“The children were absolutely amazing, they blew the visitors' socks off! Seeing them parading on the street chanting was really moving. One of the Council visitors said, "they've melted my stone cold heart - I thought a school street would be chaos but it's amazing" and the Leader of the Council said they gave him hope for the future. So many people commented on their passion and enthusiasm, they are a real credit to the school and all the work you do with them.”  Lizzie Gough (Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Lead" Public health, Trafford).

Article 19: I have the right to be safe.  

Article 3: Adults must do what’s best for me.


Our Annual Jamboree took place this year in July. As always it was a large event, attended by many and a fabulous celebration of our school family. Our Rights Rangers led the way by promoting the event, sourcing prizes and helping out on the stalls. 

Article 14: I have the right to think and believe what I choose and also to practise my religion, as long as I am not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.

Previous Projects: work with DEFRA (Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs); developing the school’s new playground charter; work with Flying Seagulls to develop curriculum resources for Refugee Week; fundraising project (joke book) for the Flying Seagull charity who provide play opportunities for refugee children and asylum seekers.



Previous Projects

Our Rights Rangers have worked a lot with The Flying Seagull Project. Last year we helped the Flying Seagulls to produce learning resources for schools across the country so that children could learn about Refugee children and how we can support their rights.

Check out a display we created:

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Check out our podcast below:





 On our Rights Celebration Day we did a whole school poem! Every class was assigned an Article of the UNCRC by the Rights Rangers. They thought and learnt about this article all day then came up with a line of poetry all about that article. This gave us our whole school peom, each line is a different class and each stanza is a different year group, starting with Reception. 

A Celebration of Rights

My family cares for me, they hug and kiss me goodnight, I go to sleep feeling happy, loved and tucked in tight,

ALL of the children around our world have many different rights; each one is so important to make our futures bright,

We love learning, it’s our right. It will make our future bright.


Friendship is a special thing and one that we should treasure. When we are all nice and kind, we have fun together,

Blowing bubbles, listening to stories, doing art and throwing balls outside; we have the right to relax and play and it makes us feel happy, calm and excited everyday,

We might believe in different things but our family and friends happiness brings.


A home has family, food, clothes, it’s safe, every child deserves their own special place,

Clean water, good food and health care, things we all need and should definitely share,

We are under 18, we know who we are. We all have rights and spread them far!


This is a school of hundreds of identities where we are all unique, from hobbies, to your hair, to your names, we care about every identity at the school of Seymour Park, 

Whatever language we speak or way of life we lead, we respect, protect and celebrate,

We are a school with many nationalities and all have our identities, it would be a shame to not be called by our name, our name is the star of our days.


This is a school of dignity, dreams and differences: where children with disabilities are supported to nurture their abilities. 

Every child on Earth should have a voice for their rights which will protect and give them respect,

This is a school of safety, where we quickly whoosh along the deep sea of knowledge and the ride wave of learning.


Unique, respect, dignity and diverse, this is our school; not all children enjoy this right, but we have the power to make that right,

This is the school of dignity, equity and justice where kindness is shown to everyone; refugees are not always safe but we can provide a protected place,

Children have rights-they don’t need to fight. Our place is with our family, our community-not in the army! So let us be children.


Bystanders, go away, upstanders, helping every day: responsibility, everyone has, safety, sometimes lacking,

Our voice, our choice - acknowledge and listen to a child’s thoughts: a voice not heard is a mind blurred.  The adults of the future, we are the next generation; listen to a child without hesitation,

To be heard and listened to is our right; all 7 continents, all children alike.