IMG 3129

Inclusion Statement

“All different, all equal.”

Inclusion is seen to involve the identification and minimizing of barriers to learning and participation, and the maximizing of resources to support learning participation.
Index for Inclusion 
Booth and Ainscow 2000


Seymour Park Community Primary School is a fully inclusive school where we focus wholly on the positive well-being and progress of every child. We hold the belief that all members of our school family are of equal worth. All children share a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum which meets their social and learning needs.

We recognize, respect, and value difference and fully understand that diversity is a strength. We take account of differences and strive to remove barriers to learning and disadvantages which people may face in relation to disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, belief or faith, and sexual orientation. We believe that diversity is a strength that should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach, and visit the school.

We want all members of our school community to feel a sense of belonging within the school and wider community family and to know that they are respected and able to participate fully in school life.

We are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.

Inclusion underpins all our school policies but the following are an integral part of this Inclusion Policy:

●      SEND policy & Information Report 

●      Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

●      Great Learning Policy

●      Accessibility Plan

Aims and objectives

  1. To ensure equality of opportunity for all our pupils in all areas of school life.
  2. To ensure that individual strengths are recognized and all pupils achieve their potential.
  3. To remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils.
  4. To ensure that all staff are aware of the systems and procedures in place within the school in order that all children have the opportunity to make progress.
  5. To use whole school assessment procedures to track the progress of groups of pupils and identify strengths and weaknesses amongst the following groups:

• girls and boys;

• disadvantaged pupils (Pupil Premium Group)

• ethnic groups;

• children who need support to learn English as an Additional Language;

• children with special educational needs;

• children with disabilities or medical needs 

• children who are at risk of disaffection or suspension.


We achieve educational inclusion by continually reviewing what we do, by asking ourselves these key questions:

• Do all our children achieve their best?

• Are there differences in the achievement of different groups of children?

• What are we doing for those children who we know are not achieving their best?

• Are our actions effective?

• Are we successful in promoting harmony amongst our school family and preparing pupils to live in a diverse society?

All children share a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which meets their social and learning needs. We recognize that it is the teacher's responsibility to meet the needs of all children in their class and ensure that all children:

• feel secure and know that their contributions are valued;

• appreciate and value the differences they see in others;

• experience success;

• use materials that reflect a range of social and cultural backgrounds, without stereotyping;

• have a common curriculum experience that allows for a range of different learning styles;

• have challenging targets that enable them to succeed;

• participate fully, regardless of disabilities or medical need

As part of high-quality teaching, all teachers constantly assess every child’s attainment and progress.

The National Curriculum is our starting point for planning a curriculum that meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of children. We meet these needs by setting suitable learning challenges and responding to children's diverse learning needs.

If a child is making less than expected progress then the class teacher will adapt their teaching to target the necessary areas, this may include modifying teaching, use of apparatus, or in-class support. The majority of pupil’s needs will be met through high standards of quality first teaching.

Teachers and Senior leaders meet twice yearly to analyze pupil progress within our Pupil Progress Meetings.  These progress meetings will address the key questions above. Data is used to monitor pupil progress against targets and ensure adequate planning and provision is in place at the individual, class, year group, and whole-school levels.

Where the attainment of a child significantly exceeds the expected level of attainment, teachers will provide additional materials for areas in which the child shows particular aptitude.

When pupils are identified as having a barrier to learning such as SEND or EAL, the relevant policies will be followed.

The school is committed to providing an environment that allows disabled children full access to all areas of learning and school life. Our Accessibility Plan identifies how we intend to ensure that all pupils can take advantage of every opportunity our school has to offer.  Our Inclusion Policy sets out how we ensure equality for all groups within our school community.

At Seymour Park Community Primary School, we believe that all pupils should be able to use and benefit from all school facilities and the education provided and, in addition, no pupil, parent, member of staff or visitor should suffer racial, sexist or homophobic harassment or the fear of racial, sexist or homophobic harassment. Our Inclusion Policy sets out our procedures for preventing harassment and dealing with incidents.

Extra-curricular provision

Extra-curricular provision, including after school clubs, concerts, workshops, and trips are a valuable part of school provision that can develop and promote individual strengths. We believe that every child in our school should be able to participate in any extra-curricular activities and will ensure that all reasonable adjustments are met in order to achieve this.


The successful inclusive provision at Seymour Park Community Primary School is seen as the responsibility of the whole school community, permeating all aspects of school life and applicable to all our pupils.

If you have any concerns about your child's learning then please see the class teacher.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Pupil Support Team or Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion - Mrs Caroline Friar via the school office.