The Seymour Park Experience

The Seymour Park Experience is OUR CURRICULUM. It is the entire planned learning experience we offer every child at our school; a rich, ambitious and relevant curriculum which is MAKING A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. 

Through the Seymour Park Experience our children will grow as SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS, EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS and RESPONSIBLE 21ST CENTURY CITIZENS. This commitment is founded on our core values of CARE, RESPECT and GROWTH and on our pledge as a GOLD UNICEF RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOL.

The Seymour Park Experience is rooted in the National Curriculum for England and begins in the EYFS. It is carefully tailored for our school family and informed by our evidence-based understanding of great learning and great teaching. This makes the Seymour Park Experience relevant to our children’s needs and our community, with the highest academic aspirations for all. To help achieve this, we have three threads which run throughout every part of our Seymour Park Experience. 


We place all aspects of language development at the heart of our curriculum and help every child find their voice. 

Children’s Rights

Children’s rights are learned and lived here. Our children grow to understand the universal rights they share with every other child, empowering our children to understand the power of their voice and being aspirational with their big ideas

21st Century Learning

We provide our children with the tools and experiences to make their voice heard and thrive in the 21st Century. This means understanding themselves as learners, being prepared for the digital century and growing a healthy body and mind. 

Further information about each subject can be found on our website. Each subject is taught independently but sits within a faculty of similar subjects linked to the EYFS. This helps us to build learning from the EYFS to Y6. 


 Alongside the curriculum are whole-school and year-group enrichment opportunities  which ensure every child has the fullest possible educational experience.

We are proud of the outstanding young people who leave our school, ready to make a world of difference!