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Information and Communications Technology and Computer Science prepares pupils to participate in
a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to
varied and developing technology.

Img 3368At Seymour Park Community Primary School we recognise that Computing is an important tool in both the society we live in and in the process of teaching and learning. Pupils use computing tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly, and creatively. They learn how to employ ICT to enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of sources.

 Click to download our   Computing Curriculum   Overview

Our Vision

Our vision is for all teachers and learners in our school to become confident users of ICT so that they
can develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which enable them to use appropriate computing resources effectively as powerful tools for teaching and learning. We feel it is our responsibility to create the digital citizens of tomorrow; developing their computing skills so they become robust digital users, capable of using technology that hasn’t been invented and eventually for careers that do not even exist.

Aims and objectives

o To enable children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies,
gaining confidence and enjoyment from their learning
o To develop a whole school approach to computing ensuring continuity and progression in all
strands of the Computing National Curriculum
o To use computing technologies as a tool to support teaching, learning and management
across the curriculum
o To provide children with opportunities to develop their computing capabilities in all areas
specified by the Curriculum Programmes of Study
o To ensure computing technologies are used, when appropriate, to improve access to learning
for pupils with a diverse range of individual needs, including those with Special Educational
Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
o To maximise the use of computing technologies in developing and maintaining links between
other schools, the local community including parents and other agencies


In order to fulfil the above aims it is necessary for us to ensure:
o A continuity of experience throughout the school both within and among year groups
o The systematic progression that begins in EYFS and continues through key stages 1 and 2
o That the National Curriculum Programmes of Study and their associated strands, level
descriptions and attainment target are given appropriate coverage
o That all children have access to a range of computing resources
o That computing experiences are focused to enhance learning
o That cross curricular links are identified where appropriate and that these links compliment,
not replace, explicit Computing lessons
o That children’s experiences are monitored and evaluated
o That resources are used to their full extent
o That resources and equipment are kept up to date as much as possible
o That staff skills and knowledge are kept up to date

Curriculum Overviews & Organisation

Once a term a class will work on completing two units of work from the Seymour Park Community Primary School Computing Curriculum, based on the 2014 Programme of Study descriptions. The curriculum is divided into 6 defined topics and each topic is further divided into six one hour lessons. Each topic lasts for approximately half a term, where appropriate. The topics are consistent within each year group, with the exception of Online Safety and IT Beyond the Classroom for KS1 and Digital Literacy and Search, communications and networking for KS2. Extended studies will be considered where beneficial in meeting the 2014 curriculum.

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Examples of our Learning