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Wellbeing & Pastoral Support
Seymour Park Community Primary School is a Place 2 Be School and we have a dedicated Pastoral Team. We are committed to promoting and providing support for the Mental, Physical and Emotional well-being of our pupils, parents/carers and staff. As a Rights Respecting School, our children and school family instill children’s rights by putting them into practice every day.
Pastoral Team
Jayne Dickinson- Pastoral Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Head of School
Lynn Shuttleworth - Senior Learning Mentor, Mental Health Lead, ELSA, Drawing & Talking Practitioner
Jasmin Harris- Learning Mentor, ELSA, Drawing & Talking Practitioner
Kate Povey- PSHE Lead
Sarah Hayter- Arts and Well-Being Lead
Usama Kaleem- Place 2 Be Mental Health Practitioner
At our school we:
- help children to understand their emotions and feelings
- promote confidence and self-esteem
- encourage children to form and maintain friendships and relationships
- work to develop resilience
- promote children's rights as a rights-respecting school (UNICEF)
- facilitate circle time and group discussions around topical issues
- help children to feel comfortable to share concerns and worries
Support is provided / offered in a number of ways to our pupils as follows:
Whole school approach
- Circle time
- Mindfulness and meditation exercises
- Yoga
- Pupil parliament
- Pupil's voice
- Mental Health Week activities
- Learning Mentors/ Sports leaders at lunch play
- Sports/ activity clubs
- Rights Respecting School steering Group
- Person Health and Social Education lessons
- Global assemblies tackling relevant issues or highlighting important topics/events
Support with Learning Mentors
- Lego Therapy sessions
- Positive People - Self-esteem building course
- Transition groups for Yr 6 pupils to prepare them for Secondary
- Bereavement Support
- Family separation support
- Drawing and Talking Therapy
- Emotional Literacy Support Sessions
Place 2 Be Support
Our Pastoral Team also support our families and carers. If you have any concerns, please email office@seymourpark.com or on the school phone number 0161 872 1150 for an informal chat or advice.